Renewable Energy

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Gelato powered by the sun

As farmers we see first-hand the incredible power of nature.

The best way to reduce our emissions is to reach for renewables and soak up that sun.

We have recently installed 480 solar panels (240kw) at the farm, which generates electricity for our gelato kitchen and gelateria, pizzeria and farm facilities. And… that’s just the start. We have some exciting battery and plug in plans!

Renewable Energy

Nature's solar panels

Our grass and clover pastures also capture sunlight, converting carbon dioxide and water to oxygen and energy for our cows.

Conserve to Preserve

Renewable Energy

Harnessing natural heat

From soil to sale we do everything to reduce and reuse energy on our farm. We've installed fancy new equipment which harnesses the natural heat from warm cows milk as it goes through our cooling system and we use it to help heat the water used in our creamery. We do the same with the heat energy from our production refrigeration units.

Converting to LED lighting, maximising insulation and installing thermostats and timers to switch on appliances also plays its part.